The Refined Professional Handling The Media

Your Challenge

The media today has a huge and immediate influence on how you, your company, and even your country are perceived.  Historical breakthroughs in technology have made it possible to reach more and more people; and for more and more people to publicise their own opinions.  News can be reported across the globe within seconds of any announcement or event, with limited opportunity to pardon any inaccuracies.  These massive changes in the speed and reach of communications, coupled with an unprecedented rise in people’s expectations, have created extraordinary demands on communicators today.

You are a senior government official or a business executive who is often exposed to the media.  You are expected to give television interviews or on-the-record briefings to the press; or you are preparing for an event which requires you to hold a press conference and answer questions from journalists.  You might be feeling nervous and even stressed – not quite sure of how to handle the situation, how to get your key message across while responding to a hostile journalist.  Or you might be preparing to record a video for your social media platforms and need help in presentation and style of delivery.

Or you might be the press and communications officer who is responsible for managing media appearances for your CEO or Minister.  How do you make use of all the tools you have to make sure that everyone is on message?


YARNU’s intervention

Through a number of tailored workshops combined with one-on-one coaching and practical on-camera sessions, Rana shares her extensive experience as a journalist and spokesperson, and director of communications to help you get in the right mindset to understand how to meet the needs of the journalist while achieving your own objectives.

We work in both English and Arabic.


The result

  • You are more confident and at ease in television and radio interviews, press conferences and doorstep interviews
  • You are more comfortable engaging with the media, meeting the needs of the journalist while achieving your own objectives
  • You are better prepared with key messages suited for the type of media and your target audience
  • You can take control of the interview while managing your appearance, body language and tone of voice
  • You are better equipped to handle difficult questions and hostile journalists

Would you like to learn? Get in touch, would love to hear from you.


    The practical on-camera training was very valuable, it helped us put into practice what we learned and to see our mistakes and learn from them. Rana’s style in giving honest and candid feedback and guidance is refreshing.

    Arab government Minister

    Rana really understands the field and the way she communicates the information is very engaging. She brings in a lot of realistic, practical and relevant examples.

    Jordanian government Minister

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